"Go up to the festival yourselves.
I'm not going up to this festival, because my time has not yet fully come."
After he had said these things, he stayed in Galilee.
After his brothers had gone up to the festival, then he also went up,
not openly but secretly.
John 7:8-10 CSB
Sometimes little things in the Bible just jarr a little.
Did Jesus change his mind about going to the festival?
Did he deceive his disciples?
Was he always intending to go, but keeping it secret was more important than his disciples knowing what was going on?
Is there another reason?
How long before Jesus went? Hours? Days?
I don't know.
Was it for the safety of his disciples? If they all went together Jesus would be recognised and Jesus wanted to protect his team?
I don't know.
This is a small thing to trust that Jesus had a reason that is not obvious (not obvious to me anyway) from the text.
Trusting Jesus when the things in front of us don't make sense, when there's pain, unfixable things, when the effect of evil is so horrible, when there's loss and grief...and times when, we just don't get what God is up to, or why he won't just intervene, heal.
There's times we're fearful, anxious, afraid.
The future seems uncertain & full of danger.
Maybe it's just me!?
In the small, the big, the impossible, Jesus quietly calls us to trust.
Trust Him.
When I am afraid,
I will trust in you.
In God,
whose word I praise,
in God I trust;
I will not be afraid.
Psalms 56:3-4 CSB
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