Matthew 27:11 NLT
Now Jesus was standing before Pilate, the Roman governor. "Are you the king of the Jews?"
the governor asked him.
Jesus replied,
"You have said it."
Matthew 27:11 NLT
If there is one thing that remains firm when the world seems shaky, one thing we can hold onto when it feels like we cannot stand, when the things we face require courage that we do not have, it is that Jesus is who he said he is.
And he faced what was unfaceable, stood when no one else could, for one reason:
Our God so loved the world.
So loved.
And we are the objects of God's love.
Some days it may not feel like it, we may not even want to be.
We might be full of sorrow, despair, loss.
We might be full of joy, hope, wonder, or we might be holding some mixed up combination of all the things at the same time, and in that, the truest of true things remains:
Jesus is who he said he is.
He entered the story because Love compelled him.
We are Beloved.
Hold on.
#wordsofJesus #redletterBible #weareBeloved
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