The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge;
fools despise wisdom and discipline.
Proverbs 1:7 CSB
"Fear" is the word "yir'ah" which covers the whole range of meaning from terror to reverential awe depending on the context.
It's a foundational relational idea that holds the sovereignty and authority of God and is seen as guiding and protective.
So a big word.
A word that invites us to see who God is first. When we start to consider Him, who is outside time, space, our reality, who made our place, designed us in all our intricacy, and who declares that He Is Love, and that we are Beloved, so loved that Jesus entered the story to make a way of restoration of relationship with Him, as we sit with these things we start to get an idea of what "yir'ah" is...the beginning, the start point, the only place we can really begin to "get" our God and get to know Him, Yahweh.
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