Come and listen,
all you who fear God,
and I will tell you
what he did for me.
For I cried out to him for help, praising him as I spoke.
If I had not confessed the sin in my heart,
the Lord would not have listened.
But God did listen!
He paid attention to my prayer.
Praise God,
who did not ignore my prayer or withdraw his unfailing love from me.
Psalm 66:16-20 NLT
The end of this Psalm, this song, speaks to something we all experience at some time, or multiple times in our lives, that we're not enough for God, not good enough, not doing enough, that what we've thought or said or done disqualifies us from God's love.
"But God did not withdraw his unfailing love from me".
David knows He could have, but didn't.
And when God hears from us, hears our stories, our fears, our sins, our desires, our hearts, He doesn't turn away, doesn't say you're not enough, but listens, pays attention.
Because we are Beloved.
#you are beloved
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