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Showing posts from November, 2023
In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace that he richly poured out on us with all wisdom and understanding.  Ephesians 1:7-8 CSB Some days we just need reminding of what Jesus did for us.  If today is one of those days for you, then here's a glimpse of the truth that you can grab hold of today... We have redemption. Jesus has paid the price for our freedom, from the things that we have thought and done that have separated us from God, had us heading away from Him. We have forgiveness.  We are not met with a stony face, with terms and conditions, but with the arms of love opened wide.  And Jesus knew exactly what he was doing, and who he was doing it for. We are known and loved.  Rest in that today.  #truth #truthtorestin #redeemed #forgiven #youareBeloved
"The one who welcomes you welcomes me, and the one who welcomes me welcomes him who sent me. Anyone who welcomes a prophet because he is a prophet will receive a prophet's reward. And anyone who welcomes a righteous person because he's righteous will receive a righteous person's reward. And whoever gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is a disciple, truly I tell you, he will never lose his reward." Matthew 10:40-42 CSB Jesus is aligning himself with the mission of the 12, and aligning them with him.  And he seems to be sending a message about discerning and welcoming.  And who else is there? Have some children gathered as Jesus was speaking? Whether he is referring to the 12 as "little ones" or someone else, it's like Jesus is saying the people you come across, can you see me in them? At the very least give them the minimum hospitality that your culture requires, because when you give a "little one", someone...
"If you love your father or mother more than you love me,  you are not worthy of being mine; or if you love your son or daughter more than me, you are not worthy of being mine. If you refuse to take up your cross and follow me,  you are not worthy of being mine. If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me,  you will find it." Matthew 10:37-39 NLT This is not some kind of competition about love, but part of Jesus message to the 12 before he sends them out. Out without any resources, out into a hostile world where some people will reject them, persecute them, harm them. Out as sheep among wolves. Going out with a message announcing that the Kingdom is near, the Kingdom people have been waiting for, but announce it from this place of powerlessness and weakness.  This is an incredibly difficult assignment, and if their family is front of mind, they'd give it up and go home.  If the life they had before meeting Jesus was so import...
May God be gracious to us and bless us; may he make his face shine upon us Selah so that your way may be known on earth,  your salvation among all nations. Let the peoples praise you, God; let all the peoples praise you. Let the nations rejoice and shout for joy, for you judge the peoples with fairness and lead the nations on earth. Selah Psalm 67:1-4 CSB David's grand vision (or is it God's grand vision expressed by David?) is that God's blessing, his face shining, will not be a private thing, something to be held by him or his people, but a rolling out of God's fairness, justice, joy & salvation around the globe. Everywhere.  And when we get glimpses of that, we want it everywhere.  For everyone.  The way we represent our God matters.  How we live matters, how we stand here, the choices we make, every act of compassion, every word of kindness, every act of creation, every smile, every time our heart is moved for justice, fairness, these things all matter a...
Sunday Psalms; May God  be gracious to us  and bless us;  may he  make his face  shine upon us. Selah Psalms 67:1 CSB  This first part of this song is almost an invitation to our God, a corporate asking from God's people for his blessing. To see his face. There's days when we so desperately want that too, God can't you just step in here, make this injustice just, heal this brokenness, put right this wrong.  Perhaps our circumstances make us question God's care, or even his existence.  This Psalm, this song, recentres us, asks that we would recognise Him again in his world, his people, in our own spirit.  In between when this song was written and now, God made his face shine upon us in the face of Jesus.  He entered our story with grace and blessing, and became the way for us to see our God in a new way.  As we wait and work towards that day when we see Jesus face-to-face, may we not miss His blessings, His grace, His face shining up...
When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.  John 14:3 NLT Last night an email from Richard Rohr arrived (no doubt thousands of others received the same one!) and in it he shared a summary of the thoughts of 13th century Franciscan theologian Bonaventure: For him there were 3 great truths: Emanation:  We come forth from God bearing the divine image, and thus our inherent identity is grounded in the life of God from the beginning (Genesis 1:26-27) Exemplarism: Everything, the entire chain of being, and everything in creation is an example and illustration of the one God mystery in space and time (Romans 1:20). No exceptions.   Consummation:  All returns to the Source from which it came (John 14:3). The Omega is the same as the Alpha and this is God's supreme and final victory. What a wonderful way to hold the Big Story, who we are, where we've come, and where we're going. In times of trouble, when our thought...
Friday! Proverbs! The one who conceals his sins will not prosper,  but  whoever confesses and renounces them  will find mercy. Proverbs 28:13 CSB In this world those who do conceal their sins does prosper.  They do succeed. Yet there's another story at play here, a larger story at play here, one where mercy is needed.  If there was no need for mercy, if there was no Bigger Story, then there would be no sin, there'd just be one person prospering and another not. And this proverb gives us two steps: Confession.  And then Renouncing.  The word used here is "azab" and it means to "leave, forsake, loose".  So we are called to leave our sin, to walk away, take another path, change direction. To forsake it. Discard it. Turn our back on it.  Loose it. Loose it and don't go looking for it again.  We confess and renounce. That's the path to mercy.  There's a prospering that happens in the story of this world, and there's a prospering in the B...
"Don't imagine that I came to bring peace to the earth!  I came not to bring peace, but a sword. I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. Your enemies will be right in your own household!" Matthew 10:34-36 NLT Jesus is sending his 12 out on a mission and this is part of the instruction. The mission is to those who are lost. The mission is to tell people that the thing they've been waiting for, looking for, the kingdom of heaven, is right here.  That Jesus is who he says he is.  And that mission is going to get them accepted in some places, rejected in others.  That mission is to go as sheep among wolves - rejection could get really bad - you're heading into places with a message people will not like.  And here Jesus is letting them know that the message of the kingdom that they're taking may divide even the closest and strongest of relationships: family.  Some may remember t...
"Everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in heaven." Matthew 10:32-33 NLT I'm wondering if Peter remembered these words of Jesus when he denied knowing who Jesus was during Jesus' trial? Have you ever had someone who you thought was your friend drop you, ghost you, deny your friendship?  It hurts right? Even though Jesus has made this tough statement, he made another way for Peter, made another opportunity, invited Peter back into fellowship even after he'd stepped away. I'm wondering if Jesus feels it just like we do when people turn away, cross the street when they see us coming, avoid us in the supermarket, make that they didn't see us.  And even though he takes our relationship with him seriously, and is hurt by our actions and choices towards him, he continues to make a way for us to return, to turn back, to cho...
Come and listen,  all you who fear God,  and I will tell you  what he did for me. For I cried out to him for help, praising him as I spoke. If I had not confessed the sin in my heart,  the Lord would not have listened. But God did listen!  He paid attention to my prayer. Praise God,  who did not ignore my prayer or withdraw his unfailing love from me. Psalm 66:16-20 NLT The end of this Psalm, this song, speaks to something we all experience at some time, or multiple times in our lives, that we're not enough for God, not good enough, not doing enough, that what we've thought or said or done disqualifies us from God's love.  "But God did not withdraw his unfailing love from me". David knows He could have, but didn't.  And when God hears from us, hears our stories, our fears, our sins, our desires, our hearts, He doesn't turn away, doesn't say you're not enough, but listens, pays attention. Because we are Beloved.  #Psalms  #psalm66 #knownh...
Come and see  what our God has done,  what awesome miracles he performs for people! He made a dry path  through the Red Sea,  and his people went across on foot.  There we rejoiced in him. Psalm 66:5-6 NLT David in this song remembers.  He holds the memories of when God acted, stepped in, made a way.  There's been times when God has made a way, remember them, hold those stories, because there's days when we need the reminder, there's days when it's easy to wonder if God cares.  David goes back to the escape from slavery, the parting of the Red Sea, God making a way. In my church we have a cross. Its always there as a reminder that God stepped in and made a way.  In our lives there are reminders where God made a way, remember them, remind yourself that even when the world isn't for you, doesn't care, our God does.  He is for you.  #Psalms  #psalm66 #remember #Godmadeaway
Sunday Psalms  Psalm 66 Shout joyful praises to God, all the earth! Sing about the glory of his name!  Tell the world how glorious he is. 66:1-2 NLT This song has a bit of everything, starts with this call to shout, to sing, and to tell.  Not shout at others, each other, those who aren't listening, but shout to God.  This is a call to "all the earth" so just maybe the "shouting" is a way of being that praises God.  A way of standing here.  Yes what we do matters, but how we do it praises God. Then David asks us to sing.  Sing about the glory of his name. Music, singing, does something in us. Singing connects with us in every way, in our body, mind, emotions and spirit. What we sing matters. Then it's tell. Tell the world how glorious he is.  Tell the world what your life was like without God. Tell the world how you met Jesus  Tell the world how your life has changed. Tell the world your story.  Shout Let your life join creation and shou...
When the godly succeed, everyone is glad. When the wicked take charge,  people go into hiding. Proverbs 28:12 NLT Do we get a glimpse of Jesus here? When he was wandering around, did people go into hiding? Zacchaeus was out looking for Jesus, and he invited himself home for lunch. The woman at the well was out doing her everyday thing when Jesus went looking for her.  Others sought him out for their own sake or the sake of others.  Some sought him out from fear. Fear of losing their power.  Some wished that things Jesus exposed had remained hidden, some went away disappointed, but no one went into hiding.  With the benefit of knowing Jesus, this proverb encourages us to be people around who others don't have to hide.  We can be people who where hiding, putting on a mask, being someone we're not, isn't needed.  Jesus was all about being real, getting to the heart. He's the one who does that completely for us, the place of no hiding and true gladness....
Friday! Proverbs! When the godly succeed, everyone is glad. When the wicked take charge,  people go into hiding. Proverbs 28:12 NLT Another proverb about power right? When the godly have power, people are OK to come out of hiding.  When the godly have power everyone benefits.  In the places where I have power I wonder whether people go into hiding, hold back, wonder whether it's safe for them, or is it a place of thriving for everyone? In the places where I have power is everyone glad? When I look at my life, it seems that both have been true. Perhaps the question is what direction am I heading in? Towards that person who people go into hiding from? Or towards that part of me that is more selfless, more interested in justice, more interested in seeing the hungry fed, the sick looked after, the prisoner visited, the widow, the orphan, the marginalised cared for.  The Bible talks a lot about justice, and this proverb quietly asks us where we stand... #proverbs #wisdom ...
"Do not despise these small beginnings,  for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin,  to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel's hand." Zechariah 4:10 NLT At the centre of this story is not something shiny, something new, but the damaged, broken down ruins.  Jesus met people where they were, in the brokenness, in their hurt, in the mess. That's where he was.  We can tend to hide away the damage, sideline it, perhaps feature it only when there's been restoration.  But this story says something different.  Jesus life tells us something different. God is delighting in the small things going on in the broken down temple. He isn't saying "when it's all fixed up and looking good then I'm interested".  No, He is invested now.  Right now.  Right where we are.  Come as you are to church, to community, to fellowship, to friendship. Jesus never sidelines the hurt parts, never says they don't matter, and we don't need to either... #smallbeginnings #t...
"Do not despise these small beginnings,  for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin,  to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel's hand." Zechariah 4:10 NLT There were dreams and messages from angels and all kinds of things going on in this chapter, but tucked in there was this message from Yahweh.  Our God sees our small steps, small choices.  He delights to see us choosing to work on what's important, even though it might seem small.  Maybe today is a new start, a reset. God delights in that. Maybe there's work going on that doesn't seem to be producing anything (the plumb line isn't actually building anything) but it's important work for the building to stand. Keep doing that work anyway. Yahweh is in the rebuilding business.  What's the small step we can take today in the right direction? Where do I need to hold the plumb line of God's word in my life to check that my wall is standing true? Where do I need reminding that God delights? Delights i...
"Don't be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell.  What is the price of two sparrows - one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid;  you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows." Matthew 10:29-31 NLT As Jesus is sending his team out to face physical danger, he isn't threatening them with anything, juat reminding them of two things: Only God has the power over real death. And they are dearly loved by Him. So they don't have to be afraid, even if they lose their life they won't lose their Life.  Jesus is telling his team that even if the world is against them, they are seen, they are known, they are valuable, they are loved.  You are seen. You are known. You are valuable. You are loved. Whatever you are facing today, good or bad, w...
"Therefore,  don't be afraid of them, since there is nothing covered that won't be uncovered and nothing hidden that won't be made known. What I tell you in the dark, speak in the light.  What you hear in a whisper, proclaim on the housetops." Matthew 10:26-27 CSB Jesus is sending out his 12 key people and this intriguing word picture is part of their instructions. They're being sent into towns and villages in Israel expecting opposition, expecting rejection.  And Jesus says "don't be afraid" because darkness will become light, covers will come off.  Is it now? Or later? Is he referring to his own resurrection?  Or something else? "What I tell you in the dark, speak in the light" I don't think Jesus is telling them this at night and that they get to talk in the morning.  Something is going to change. Jesus experiences ultimate rejection, the rejection of family, friends, society, and is then killed by the Empire.  And he comes back ...
Don't worry about anything, but in everything,  through prayer and petition with thanksgiving,  present your requests to God. And the peace of God,  which surpasses all understanding,  will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 CSB This was the first verseoftheday and each November 12 we revisit it (& remind you that it's OK to unsubscribe anytime). "Don't worry about anything" just seems too difficult.  The stuff I have, the concerns, the fears, the hurts, the burdens, the unknowns, the knowns.  Yet Paul doesn't just tell us to stop worrying, he invites us into an alternative. A place where we are heard.  A place where what matters to us, matters. A place where new perspectives may be discovered, a place where change can happen, patterns and habits can be shifted, chains can be broken, a place where glimpses of peace can be found, and added to and built on. We're invited in. Jesus is called the word, the logos, and we're i...
A rich person  is wise in his own eyes,  but a poor one who has discernment sees through him.  Proverbs 28:11 CSB  Can we catch a glimpse of Jesus in this proverb? One of the things that Jesus stood against was those who believed that their own righteousness was enough, perhaps these are the "wise in their own eyes". And Jesus walked in the shoes of the poor.  He was born into a poor town, in a country that was under the rule of a military empire, he had been a refugee, he had known rejection from his own people, his own family, abandonment from his friends, and abuse at the hands of the powerful.  He used borrowed transport, couch surfed for accommodation, and when he died literally only owned the clothes on his back which were taken from him.  And he could see through people, discern their hearts and motivations.  He sees through me. Discerns my heart. Knows my motivations. And still loves me.  Still seeks me out. When I'm lost, still comes...
Friday! Proverbs! A rich person  is wise in his own eyes,  but a poor one who has discernment sees through him.  Proverbs 28:11 CSB  This proverb is not anti-wealth or rich vs poor, it's about the effect of wealth. The only clue we have about the first person with the trait of being "wise in his own eyes" is wealth. The implication is that their wealth has shaped their view of themselves, others, the world they live in, and God.  What shapes us? What's the lens through which I see myself, others, the world I live in, and God? The other person in the proverb has discernment. Is the implication that this comes from being poor? Without the wealth lens? Or has this discernment come from outside of the person? This second person certainly "sees" in a different way, is not "wise in his own eyes". That would indicate that this discernment is from outside the person, from others, the world around, from God.  This proverb places us in a binary, wealth/wise ...
If I must boast,  I would rather boast about the things that show how weak I am. God, the Father of our Lord Jesus, who is worthy of eternal praise, knows I am not lying. When I was in Damascus, the governor under King Aretas kept guards at the city gates to catch me. I had to be lowered in a basket through a window in the city wall to escape from him. 2 Corinthians 11:30-33 NLT There's something going on in Corinth that Paul keeps going on about boasting.  And he says if you really want to hear my stories it'll be about my weakness not how big, strong, intelligent, victorious I was. And then he gives us one. He didn't face the governor, win with his arguments or authority as a Roman, he didn't "man up" and beat anyone or even leave in some glorious escape. He got lowered down in a basket and gapped it.  I'm wondering if this is where God often meets us, in our weakness, where we aren't strong, where we don't have power. When we first meet Paul he ...
When you are persecuted in one town, flee to the next. I tell you the truth, the Son of Man will return before you have reached all the towns of Israel. Students are not greater than their teacher, and slaves are not greater than their master. Students are to be like their teacher, and slaves are to be like their master.  And since I, the master of the household, have been called the prince of demons, the members of my household will be called by even worse names! Matthew 10:23-25 NLT If we expect that being a christian is a kind of free pass to acceptance in our culture then maybe think again...Jesus is warning his team to expect persecution, to expect to be called the exact opposite of what they are because they're aligned with Jesus. Jesus called us; To be peacemakers  To love our neighbours To welcome the stranger To serve the least To feed the hungry To forgive If we're doing those things and get a hard time for it, are rejected for it, because we're aligned with Jesus...
Five different times the Jewish leaders gave me thirty-nine lashes. Three times I was beaten with rods.  Once I was stoned.  Three times I was shipwrecked.  Once I spent a whole night and a day adrift at sea. I have traveled on many long journeys. I have faced danger from rivers and from robbers. I have faced danger from my own people, the Jews, as well as from the Gentiles. I have faced danger in the cities, in the deserts, and on the seas. And I have faced danger from men who claim to be believers but are not. I have worked hard and long, enduring many sleepless nights. I have been hungry and thirsty and have often gone without food.  I have shivered in the cold, without enough clothing to keep me warm. Then, besides all this,  I have the daily burden of my concern for all the churches.  2 Corinthians 11:25-28 NLT Paul hasn't gone through all this to build a following, to become famous.  He went through all this because he loves God, and loves people...
But as for you,  be strong and do not lose courage,  for there is reward for your work. 2 Chronicles 15:7 AMP Author Mary DeMuth posted this verse on X (used to be Twitter) with these words: "Friend, there is reward for your work. Keep going.  Persevere." The prophet Azariah encouraged King Asa with these words, Mary DeMuth shared them and encouraged others, and now you have them.  Be encouraged. Work can be difficult, draining, defeating at times.  Whether that's the work of being a friend, supporter, parent, employee, manager, teacher, boss, student, pastor, farmer, or wherever you find yourself today. Whether that's physical, emotional, mental, spiritual work or some combination, it isn't always easy, joyful, or fulfilling. There's days. So bear with.  Don't lose heart.  There is reward (I wonder if we miss that sometimes, what's the reward that you skip past, don't see or acknowledge?) So be encouraged beloved. And just as Azariah encouraged Ki...
Sunday Psalms; Praise is rightfully yours,  God, in Zion... Iniquities overwhelm me; ... How happy is the one you choose and bring near to live in your courts!  We will be satisfied with the goodness of your house... You silence  the roar of the seas,  the roar of their waves,  and the tumult of the nations. The wilderness pastures overflow,  and the hills are robed with joy. The pastures are clothed with flocks and the valleys covered with grain.  They shout in triumph; indeed,  they sing. Psalm 65:1-12: CSB  This song of David is a journey from the personal to the community, from turmoil to peace, from despair to hope.  This song is short, just 12 verses, starts with his own sin before God, in the middle is this phrase "the tumult of the nations" and isn't that true of our world today with war and suffering in and between nations. And then David paints these beautiful pictures of peace. Peace connected to the land, to place, to creatio...
"Brothers and sisters will hand each other over to be executed.  A father will turn his child in. Children will defy their parents and have them executed. You will be hated by everyone because of my name.  But the one who endures to the end will be saved." Matthew 10:21-22 CSB There's some things that Jesus says that just seem weird, hard to understand, just want to skip past to the good parts.  But Jesus is warning his team that there's terrible things that happen in this life, and at least some of them because of your faith.  We don't have to look far in our culture at the way siblings have harmed one another, parents harmed children, children harmed parents. We've seen waves of hatred and distrust and the differences of culture, religion, ethnicity, being held in some way as being wrong.  So these things that Jesus was warning the 12 about as they went out in his name are all around us.  And it's not how it should be.  Yesterday I was at the fune...
Friday! Proverbs! Whoever misleads those who do right  onto an evil path  will fall into their own pit,  but the blameless  will inherit good things. Proverbs 28:10 CEB Who do we find in this proverb? One who misleads. Those who do right.  The blameless. The one who misleads is not making an innocent mistake, they know what they're doing.  And they've pulled someone down a path that they wouldn't have chosen for themselves.  They've deceived.  And then there's the blameless, who by implication are not deceivers, and for them someone is preparing an inheritance. The blameless are held in tension with the misleader, the deceiver.  So where does the one "who does right", who is deceived sit?  It seems that they sit with the blameless.  The blame sits with the deceiver. The shame of falling into their own pit sits with them, not with the one who has been deceived. How do you see it? #proverbs #wisdom  #somethingtochewon  #itsa...
I may seem to be boasting too much about the authority given to us by the Lord.  But our authority builds you up; it doesn't tear you down. So I will not be ashamed of using my authority. 2 Corinthians 10:8 NLT Corinthians is a letter, and when you read a letter you only read one side of the conversation, we only get to guess what's going on. Seems that at least some people in the church in Corinth weren't happy with Paul and the way he was using his authority, his power.  And he's defending himself here.  Lesson#1 where we have power everyone isn't going to like it, see what you're doing, complain or oppose.  Lesson#2 even our best efforts, where our heart is for good, that can be misunderstood. Lesson#3 it's good to reflect on where we do have power (position, knowledge, social, physical, emotional, spiritual, language/words, financial, age, mana...) that we really do use it to build others up, not to tear down.  Perhaps ask a question like this: "How...
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV Love this picture of taking our thoughts captive.  Can you imagine declaring a thought illegal, putting it in prison for a while where it can't do any more harm, perhaps starting a rehab programme with that thought to show it the error of its ways... We take some thoughts captive because they're doing us harm.  We're invited to become our own thought police.  We're not powerless when it comes to our thoughts. I wonder what making that thought obedient to Jesus means? When that thought, that one that pops in,  you know the one,  the one that says something about you,  to you,  that thought that is the cause of hurt and harm,  that thought that holds you back,  holds you down,  what happens when that thought meets Jesus? When that thought meets Jesus' love,...