One of them, Caiaphas, who was high priest that year, said to them, "You know nothing at all! You're not considering that it is to your advantage that one man should die for the people rather than the whole nation perish." He did not say this on his own, but being high priest that year he prophesied that Jesus was going to die for the nation, and not for the nation only, but also to unite the scattered children of God. So from that day on they plotted to kill him.
John 11:49-53 CSB
There's a lot going on here with Caiaphas. I often miss the reality that the Jews were under brutal Roman rule that they wanted to break free from, that a Messiah would lead them out of, and into freedom.
Roman rule was big and in their face all the time. And in that reality they missed who Jesus really was. They had part of the picture (including a prophesy), but they didn't see Jesus for who he really was, despite all the signs.
Sometimes there's big things going on in our lives too, and we can lose sight of who Jesus really is, lose sight of the Big Story.
If Jesus was the Messiah then that was going to change everything for Caiaphas and his team. Their relationship with the Romans, their own power base. They were facing big, real world problems, and in that missed who Jesus really is.
As we face big, real world problems, let's not lose sight of who Jesus is, and the hope we can rest in.
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