Who has anguish?
Who has sorrow?
Who is always fighting? Who is always complaining?
Who has unnecessary bruises?
Who has bloodshot eyes?
Proverbs 23:29 NLT
The writer of this proverb is asking us to take a little self inventory. What's going on for you?
In the next few verses he then describes the danger of trying to solve whatever our problems are by drinking alcohol. He could just as easily used other things that we binge on or try to use to avoid facing our own stuff, or burying what's going on. Food, work, exercise, social media etc etc.
The thing is that we all have stuff going on. Anguish.
The world pushes in, Covid, war in Europe, the choices and actions of others, and our own choices.
The answer is not found in burying our stuff. The Apostle Paul says this:
"If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad."
1 Corinthians 12:26 NLT
We're a community, joined together, on this journey together, and this is where hope and healing is found.
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