When evening came, his disciples went down to the sea, got into a boat, and started across the sea to Capernaum. Darkness had already set in, but Jesus had not yet come to them.
John 6:16-17 CSB
Was this what they'd decided with Jesus before the miracle/sign of feeding the 10,000 people?
Or as there was no sign of Jesus the boys made a plan and got on with it?
Have you ever been in that place where it's "Lord I could really use some help/guidance/direction about now" and there's silence.
Jesus is up the mountain somewhere.
If we've got an agreed direction, then push on with it.
If not, then choose to do the best thing with your team (maybe there's not 12 of you together but there's always someone to check in with and/or to journey with you (if you're feeling alone, maybe it's time to put your hand up))
The disciples kept moving.
Even when Jesus was up the mountain.
Maybe there is a theme here as Bible characters who kept moving come to mind... Joseph, Daniel, Paul...
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