The way of the guilty is crooked,
but the conduct of the pure is upright.
Proverbs 21:8 ESV
When I'm guilty of something, the path I walk gets crookeder and crookeder.
I deceive myself that what was wrong was OK.
And I'll keep up the pretense.
And I'll push the problem on to someone else.
Make them look like they've got the problem, they were wrong.
And my path gets crookeder and crookeder.
The "conduct of the pure" is so much simpler.
If only I could live there all the time.
Eph 1:4 tells us that our God envisioned us from before time, chose us in Him, and saw as holy and blameless.
He saw us how we were meant to be.
And He made the way for us to get there - faith in Jesus, the saving grace of Jesus life, and death, and resurrection.
And then there's just 2 things to do:
Love God
Love others
We are held blameless and holy through faith in Jesus and as we draw nearer to God, to the Pure, we become bit by bit, more pure.
And as we love people we confess and we seek forgiveness and we choose straighter paths.
And we rest in the hope that one day, all will be made new.
All that is crooked will be made straight.
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