A wise king winnows out the wicked;
he drives the threshing wheel over them.
Proverbs 20:26 NIV
To winnow grain you have a current of air blow through it to remove the chaff.
Seems like a gentle process.
But this guy says to do it by running it over!
Who have we got here...
The wise King = God
Wisdom = zero chaff
Zero chaff = holiness
Surely the bad people are the chaff.
Am I the grain.
But I know there's chaff in me as well, so I too am destined to be run over by the wheels of God's holiness and justice.
Except for Jesus.
He becomes the chaff.
He is run over by the wheels of God's holiness and justice.
In my place.
And I am free.
This is love, that someone would do that,
for me.
For you.
For us.
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