Give thanks to the Lord , for he is good!
His faithful love
endures forever.
It is better
to take refuge
in the Lord
than to trust in people.
It is better
to take refuge
In the Lord
than to trust in princes.
Psalms 118:1, 8-9 NLT
People in power
Sometimes they're simply not trustworthy, not worthy of your trust.
And sometimes people are, we are, I am, a fallible, fallen, imperfect person...
This song is about choosing better.
Choosing God as our place of refuge.
His Word
His Spirit
His person, the true prince, Jesus, He is our refuge, it's his body that takes the attacks of the enemy, it's his grace that absorbs our sin, his love that guides us in what is right, his light that leads us home.
Choose Jesus as your place of refuge.
He is not fallible
Not fallen
Not imperfect
He is the place, the person, to run to.
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