Don't boast about tomorrow,
for you don't know what a day might bring.
Proverbs 27:1 CSB
There are enough proverbs about storing food for tomorrow etc, so this one can't mean you shouldn't anticipate good things in the future or plan or work for them. I wonder if this is about us holding the future lightly, and as I sit with that 2 things come up:
The future is just that, the future, and I can't live there. Yes I can plan and work towards goals and things I want to do, but I can only live in today, and the fears and anxieties I might have about the future I can also plan or prepare for which helps to stop them jumping into today.
And the second thing is that if I'm so focussed on tomorrow, I miss today.
I miss the people in front of me. The moment with that person.
I miss the beauty of today.
I miss the magic of today, the communing of who we are with the world around us, the people around us, with God Himself.
As you consider this wee proverb, what comes up for you?
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