Do not exalt yourself in the presence of the king, and do not stand in the place of great men;
for it is better that he says to you,
"Come up here!"
than that you should be demoted in the presence of the prince.
Proverbs 25:6-7 BSB
This seems kind of obvious, so why is it in my Bible?
This week I was in a meeting with some "important" people. What was going on in my heart?
"Make a good impression, do the right thing, don't say anything stupid...".
These weren't too bad, but then it was the "you don't belong here, you have nothing to contribute" wormed it's way in.
This proverb seems to be encouraging us to be OK with who we are. If we get invited into places of power that's OK but don't go placing so much value on being there.
You're OK being you.
And the messages I had running around in my mind had no place being there either.
It was OK to be me.
The other side of that is when we are in authority or power, in the place of the "king" how do we, how do I treat others?
You might think you have no power anywhere...yet we all do somewhere.
This proverb is in our Bible to get us to think. Think about ourselves (& be OK), and about others and how we respond, and how we lead.
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