Doing what is righteous and just
is more acceptable to the Lord
than sacrifice.
Proverbs 21:3 CSB
This was written when the sacrificial system was in place.
Were the sacrifices not acceptable?
If they did exactly what was required was that not enough?
Or is there a deeper thing with God going on, that obeying the "rules" misses?
And what is the equivalent in our culture?
I go to church.
I give
I read my Bible
I pray
So, God should be happy with me. Right?
He's saying that's all good stuff, but it isn't that great if you're not doing what is right on Monday. Living it out on Saturday.
If you're not righting wrongs, seeking justice for those who don't have it.
Our God is way more interested in how we treat other people than our attendance at church.
He's way more interested in how I see other people, because that determines how I treat them.
What do you think?
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