verseoftheday xtra
Yesterday's challenge was to write your own psalm...Psalms are personal expressions...but here is mine...I started with my walk to work yesterday
The sun comes up
It's a new day dawning
Yep I get that
There's this hope in the dawn
There's the chance of a new start
A new day (lol)
But it's winter
Its cold.
I got angry. And annoyed with myself
I get fearful.
Of failure. Of making mistakes. Missteps.
It's days like this that I just hang on to...You.
I can choose.
Choose to see the wind as an agent of change
Choose to see the cold as a killer of bugs. A cleanser
Choose to see rain as a bringer of life
Choose to see your hand of grace
hope is not found in the dawn
But in the Son.
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