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The Pharisees and some of the teachers of the law who had come from Jerusalem gathered around Jesus and saw some of his disciples eating food with hands that were defiled, that is, unwashed.
Mark 7:1-2 NIV
Rules are important. Just imagine driving without any rules...
Put a bunch of children together and they'll create a game with rules.
We like rules
These guys loved the rules so much they kept making more, and the keeping of the rules became more important than anything. 
And they missed Jesus.
Wash your hands so that you are clean enough, worthy enough, good enough for God.
And He is right there.
I can't wash my hands enough, do enough, be good enough, but Jesus is right here.
He is enough.
And it's by grace that I am clean.
That once and for all sacrifice of the Holy One is enough.
So now I try to follow God's rules, but not to make me right with Him, but because I'm right with Him.
Jesus is right here. 
His scars tell the story of what he did to make a way, His arms of grace wide enough to wrap us all matter what you & I face today, Jesus is right here.


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